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Saturday, 11 January 2014

Top 7 Programming Languages And Their Certifications

Top 7 Programming Languages And Their Certifications   

Certifications make your skills legitimate and give you the extra edge as a programmer. Here are certifications for the most popular programming languages...   

Friday, December 27, 2013 Web development and programming have been on an all time high recently. With the rise of systems like Android, mobile development has taken a major leap. On the other hand, web development has also evolved over the years, coming to a point where almost everything can be found on the internet. Naturally, web developers and programmers have been in demand and in a competitive environment, ceritifications do play their part.

Java, Python, Ruby on Rails, ASP.Net, Java, Oracle, Microsoft, tech news, programming certifications, programming courses, how to get a programming certification, news

According to many reports, the hottest development areas all over the world seem to be Ruby on Rails, Javascript, Python, Java, ASP.Net MVC, Node-js and Objective-C. Learning these languages is just one part of the job done, getting certified is the second part. Here’s a little reading material that could help.

Ruby on Rails: The Ruby Association Certified Ruby Programmer is a good certification to go for. It is managed by the ITOCHU Techni-solutions Corporation and it has been sanctioned by the Roby Association LLC. The certification covers only one skill, being the Ruby Association Certified Ruby Programmer Silver. The course covers the basics of Ruby programming like objects, background, standard libraries and classes in Ruby.

JavaScript: For JavaScript, the CIW Web Development Series is amongst the best certifications that you can get. This Web Development Professional title covers Perl, Database Design and JavaScript. Alternatively, the JavaScript Developer Certificate by W3Schools is said to be somewhat simpler, but useful. You need to know both JavaScript and HTML DOM for this certification.

Python: The O’Reilly School of Technology’s four-level Python programming certificate program is the most popular for this language. The four levels in this include Beginning Python, Getting More Out of Python, The Python Environment and Advanced Python. You can also take the test by Expert Rating, which costs $10 and 40 minutes only.

Java: The most basic certification you can get for Java is the Oracle Certified Professional Java SE Programmer certification. In fact, the $150 certification is often a requirement for other Oracle certified Master Java SE Developer certification, but you need to be a Sun Certified Programmer in order to take this test.

ASP.Net MVC: ASP.Net certifications are usually not very useful without MVC skills. That is why Microsoft’s own MCTS: Web Applications Development with Microsoft. NET Framework 4 is the one you should be looking at.

Node-js: For this one you can go for the four hour exam by ATG Certified. The Certified Node.js Developer Exam tests your skills in Node.js, TCP and HTTP servers.

Objective-C: Take the 40 question test by Brain Measures that costs $10 only. This Objective-C certification covers best practices, categories, exceptions, protocols and memory management in the language. You can also go for the similar exam taken by Expert Rating.

Having a certification tells your employer that you are skilled in a particular language. They add considerably to your resume and help in getting h


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