How to Configure DHCP Server in Linux
DHCP, or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, allows an administrator to configure network settings for all clients on a central server.
The DHCP clients request an IP address and other network settings from the DHCP server on the network. The DHCP server
in turn leases the client an IP address within a given range or leases
the client an IP address based on the MAC address of the client's
network interface card (NIC). The information includes its IP address,
along with the network's name server, gateway, and proxy
addresses,including the netmask.
Nothing has to be configured manually on the local system, except to specify the DHCP server
it should get its network configuration from. If an IP address is
assigned according to the MAC address of the client's NIC, the same IP
address can be leased to the client every time the client requests one.
DHCP makes network administration easier and less prone to error.
Exam Question Configure the DHCP server by matching the following conditions:
- Subnet and netmask should be
- Gateway Should be
- DNS Sever Should be
- Domain Name should be
- Range from
Configure dhcp server
In this example we will configure a dhcp server and will lease ip address to clients.For this example we are using three systems one linux server one linux clients and one window clients.
dhcp rpm is required to configure dhcp server. check it if not found then install
Now check dhcpd service in system service it should be on
Select System service
from list [*]dhcpd
To assign IP to dhcp server
DHCP server have a static a ip address. First configure the ip address with netmask of on server.Run setup command form root user
this will launch a new window select network configuration
now a new window will show you all available LAN card select your LAN card ( if you don't see any LAN card here mean you don't have install driver)
assign IP in this box and click ok
click on ok, quit and again quit to come back on root prompt.
restart the network service so new ip address can take place on LAN card
#service network restart
now open /etc/dhcpd.conf
default entry in this file look like this
make these change in this file to configure dhcp server
remove this line # - - - default gateway
set option routers to
set option subnet-mask to
option nis domain to
option domain-name to
option domain-name-servers to
range dynamic-bootp to;
How to Assign Fix IP Address to Any Host
locate this paragraph and change hardware Ethernet to client's mac address and fixed -address to ip address which you want to provide that hostafter making necessary change save file and exit
now create a blank file use to store the allocated ip address information
Now restart dhcpd service and on it with chkconfig commands
Linux Client Configuration
Client configuration is very easy and straightforward. All you need to do is set ip address to dynamic in the properties of lan card. In linux#setup
select network configuration from menu list
Select lan card and enter on ok
Select USE DHCP and enter on ok
Now click on quit
and quit to come back on root prompt
Window Client configuration
To configure windows system as dhcp clients open lan card properties and select tcp/ip and click on properties and set obtain ip address automaticallyGo on command prompt and check new ip address
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