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Wednesday, 25 September 2013



Step by Step guide to install and configure DHCP in Windows 2008

A DHCP Server assigns IP addresses to client computers. This is very often used in enterprise networks to reduce configuration efforts. All IP addresses of all computers are stored in a database that resides on a server machine.

What a DHCP server can provide

DHCP is a client-server technology that allows DHCP servers to assign, or lease, IP addresses to computers and other devices that are enabled as DHCP clients. With DHCP, you can do the following:
  • Lease IP addresses for a specific amount of time to DHCP clients, and then automatically renew the IP addresses when the client requests a renewal.
  • Update DHCP client parameters automatically by changing a server or scope option at the DHCP server rather than performing this action individually on all DHCP clients.
  • Reserve IP addresses for specific computers or other devices so that they always have the same IP address and also receive the most up-to-date DHCP options.
  • Exclude IP addresses or address ranges from distribution by the DHCP server so that these IP addresses and ranges can be used to statically configure servers, routers, and other devices that require static IP addresses.
  • Provide DHCP services to many subnets, if all routers between the DHCP server and the subnet for which you want to provide service are configured to forward DHCP messages.
  • Configure the DHCP server to perform DNS name registration services for DHCP clients.
  • Provide multicast address assignment for IP-based DHCP clients.

Components of a DHCP server

The primary components of DHCP allow you to deploy a DHCP server and a Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol (MADCAP) server.
DHCP server
All computers and other devices on your TCP/IP network must have an IP address in order for the network to function properly. IP addresses can be configured manually at each computer, or you can deploy a DHCP server that automatically assigns IP address leases to all DHCP clients on the network.
Most client operating systems seek an IP address lease by default, so no configuration on the client computer is necessary to implement a DHCP enabled network; the first step is to deploy a DHCP server.
Before your DHCP server can provide IP address leases to clients, however, a range of IP addresses must be defined at the DHCP server. This range, known as a scope, defines a single physical subnet on your network to which DHCP services are offered. So, for example, if you have two subnets, your DHCP server must be connected to each subnet and you must define a scope for each subnet. Scopes also provide the primary way for the server to manage distribution and assignment of IP addresses and any related configuration parameters to clients on the network.
MADCAP server
When you deploy DHCP as a MADCAP server, the DHCP server can dynamically assign multicast IP addresses to clients that want to join the group of clients that receive the information sent in the multicast messages.
Multicasting is useful for the point-to-multipoint delivery of information, such as audio or video information, on an internetwork. Multicasting allows one point, such as a media server, to send the information in a single packet to many recipients by using a multicast address.
The advantages of this method are the use of a single packet and no overhead for keeping lists of recipients. Unlike broadcast packets, multicast traffic does not disturb those nodes who are not listening for it. Routers can be multicast-capable and forward the multicast packet to all networks where there is at least one node listening.

Installing Windows Server 2008 DHCP Server

Installing Windows Server 2008 DCHP Server is easy. DHCP Server is now a “role” of Windows Server 2008 – not a windows component as it was in the past.
To do this, you will need a Windows Server 2008 system already installed and configured with a static IP address. You will need to know your network’s IP address range, the range of IP addresses you will want to hand out to your PC clients, your DNS server IP addresses, and your default gateway. Additionally, you will want to have a plan for all subnets involved, what scopes you will want to define, and what exclusions you will want to create.
To start the DHCP installation process, you can click Add Roles from the Initial Configuration Tasks window
Figure 1: Adding a new Role in Windows Server 2008
When the Add Roles Wizard comes up, you can click Next on that screen.
Next, select that you want to add the DHCP Server Role, and click Next.

Figure 2: Selecting the DHCP Server Role
If you do not have a static IP address assigned on your server, you will get a warning that you should not install DHCP with a dynamic IP address.
At this point, you will begin being prompted for IP network information, scope information, and DNS information. If you only want to install DHCP server with no configured scopes or settings, you can just click Next through these questions and proceed with the installation.
On the other hand, you can optionally configure your DHCP Server during this part of the installation.
In my case, I chose to take this opportunity to configure some basic IP settings and configure my first DHCP Scope.
I was shown my network connection binding and asked to verify it, like this:

Figure 3: Network connection binding
What the wizard is asking is, “what interface do you want to provide DHCP services on?” I took the default and clicked Next.
Next, I entered my Parent Domain, Primary DNS Server, and Alternate DNS Server (as you see below) and clicked Next.
Figure 4: Entering domain and DNS information
Next, it will be promoted to configure a DHCP scope for the new DHCP Server. Enter as an IP address range of to cover the 25+ PC Clients on your local network. To do this, click on Add to add a new scope. As you see below, I named the Scope WBC-Local, configured the starting and ending IP addresses of, subnet mask of, default gateway of, type of subnet (wired), and activated the scope.

Figure 5: Adding a new DHCP Scope
Back in the Add Scope screen, I clicked Next to add the new scope (once the DHCP Server is installed).
I chose to Disable DHCPv6 stateless mode for this server and clicked Next.
Then, confirm DHCP Installation Selections (on the screen below) and clicked Install.
Figure 6: Confirm Installation Selections
After only a few seconds, the DHCP Server was installed and below screen will appear:

Figure 7: Windows Server 2008 DHCP Server Installation succeeded
close the installer window, then moved on to how to manage new DHCP Server.

How to Manage your new Windows Server 2008 DHCP Server

Like the installation, managing Windows Server 2008 DHCP Server is also easy. Back in your Windows Server 2008 Server Manager, under Roles,  on the new DHCP Server entry.

Figure 8: DHCP Server management in Server Manager
While you cannot manage the DHCP Server scopes and clients from here, what you can do is to manage what events, services, and resources are related to the DHCP Server installation. Thus, this is a good place to go to check the status of the DHCP Server and what events have happened around it.
However, to really configure the DHCP Server and see what clients have obtained IP addresses, you need to go to the DHCP Server MMC. To do this, I went to Start –>Administrative Tools –> DHCP Server, like this:

Figure 9: Starting the DHCP Server MMC
When expanded out, the MMC offers a lot of features. Here is what it looks like:
Figure 10: The Windows Server 2008 DHCP Server MMC
The DHCP Server MMC offers IPv4 & IPv6 DHCP Server info including all scopes, pools, leases, reservations, scope options, and server options.
Next go into the address pool and the scope options, you will see that the configuration we made when we installed the DHCP Server did, indeed, work. The scope IP address range is there, and so are the DNS Server & default gateway.
Figure 11: DHCP Server Address Pool
Figure 12: DHCP Server Scope Options
So how do we know that this really works if we do not test it? The answer is that we do not. Now, let’s test to make sure it works.

How do we test our Windows Server 2008 DHCP Server?

To test this, I have a Windows 7 PC Client on the same network segment as the Windows Server 2008 DHCP server. To be safe, I have no other devices on this network segment.
Do an IPCONFIG /RELEASE then an IPCONFIG /RENEW and verify the new IP address from the new DHCP server, as you can see below:
Figure 13: Vista client received IP address from new DHCP Server
Also, go to Windows 2008 Server and verified that the new Vista client was listed as a client on the DHCP server. This did indeed check out, as you can see below:
Figure 14: Win 2008 DHCP Server has the Vista client listed under Address Leases


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